홈 > Blossary: Famous Activists
We keep hearing about Green peace Activists, Human Rights Activists, Animal Rights Activists and on and on, but the question is; who are these people? By definition, activists are people who fight to change the current order of things or (or activism). This order can exist in any aspect of our day to day life.
카테고리: Other
9 용어
Created by: farooq92
Number of Blossarys: 47
My Terms
Collected Terms
The story of Cesar Chavez, the Latino-American civil rights activist, is an extraordinary one. His famous words, 'Si, se puede' (Yes, it can be done) is pregnant with meaning and represents ...
Domain: People; 업종/영역: Personalities
Alice Paul was an early 20th century women's rights activist who played a key role in the women's suffrage movement that led to the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in ...
Domain: People; 업종/영역: Personalities
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