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Borgia Family, Spanish Borja, descendants of a noble line, originally from Valencia, Spain, that established roots in Italy and became prominent in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the 1400s and 1500s. The house of the Borgias produced two popes and many other political and church leaders. Some members of the family became known for their treachery, bribery, adultery, theft and murder.

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Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

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Lucrezia Borgia as the daughter of Pope Alexander VI and Vannozza dei Cattanei. Her brothers included Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia, and Gioffre Borgia. Lucrezia's family later came to epitomize the ruthless Machiavellian politics and sexual corruption characteristic of the Renaissance Papacy. Lucrezia was cast as a femme fatale, a role she has been portrayed as in many artworks, novels, and films. Very little is known of Lucrezia, and the extent of her complicity in the political machinations of her father and brothers is unclear. They certainly arranged several marriages for her to important or powerful men in order to advance their own political ambitions. Lucrezia was married to Giovanni Sforza (Lord of Pesaro), Alfonso of Aragon (Duke of Bisceglie), and Alfonso I d'Este (Duke of Ferrara). Tradition has it that Alfonso of Aragon was an illegitimate son of the King of Naples and that her brother Cesare may have had him murdered after his political value waned. She is described as having heavy blonde hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which changed colour, a full, high bosom, and a natural grace which made her appear to "walk on air" these were the physical attributes that were highly appreciated in Italy during that period. Another description said that "her mouth is rather large, the teeth brilliantly white, her neck is slender and fair, and the bust is admirably proportioned". Lucrezia is claimed to be the ancestor of many notable people, including American Civil War general P.G.T. Beauregard. She is a collateral relative of most of the royal families of modern Europe including that of the United Kingdom. Through her granddaughter Anna d'Este, Duchess of Guise and later Duchess of Nemours, Lucrezia is the ancestress of Juan Carlos I of Spain; Philippe of Belgium; Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg; as well as the Count of Paris and the claimants to the Thrones of Portugal, Austria, Bavaria, Brazil, Parma, Saxony and the Two Sicilies.

Domain: History; Category: European history

Lucrezia Borgia som dotter till påven Alexander VI och Vannozza dei Cattanei. Hennes bröder med Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia och Gioffre Borgia. Lucrezia ' s familj kom senare till sammanfattar den hänsynslösa machiavelliska politik och sexuella korruption kännetecken av renässansen påvedömet. Lucrezia var rollen som en femme fatale, en roll hon har skildrats i många konstverk, romaner och filmer. Mycket lite är känt om Lucrezia, och omfattningen av hennes delaktighet i politiska intriger, hennes far och bröder är oklart. De ordnade säkerligen flera äktenskap för henne att viktiga eller kraftfulla män för att föra fram sina egna politiska ambitioner. Lucrezia var gift med Giovanni Sforza (Lord Pesaro), Alfons av Aragonien (hertig i Bisceglie) och Alfonso jag d ' Este (hertig av Ferrara). Traditionen har det att Alfons av Aragonien var en oäkta son till kung av Neapel och att hennes bror Cesare kan ha haft honom mördad efter hans politiska värde avtog. Hon beskrivs som att ha tunga blonda hår som avverkar förbi hennes knän, en vacker hy, nötbruna ögon som ändrade färg, en full, hög barm och en naturlig grace som gjorde henne verkar "walk on air" dessa var de fysiska attribut som var mycket uppskattad i Italien under denna period. En annan beskrivning sade att "hennes mun är ganska stor, tänderna vita briljant, halsen är smal och rättvist och bysten är beundransvärt tilltagna". Lucrezia är fordrat till vara förfadern av många kända personer, inklusive amerikanska inbördeskriget allmänna P.G.T. Beauregard. Hon är en säkerheter släkting till de flesta av de kungliga familjerna i moderna Europa bland annat av Förenade kungariket. Genom hennes barnbarn Anna d ' Este, hertiginna av Guise och mer sistnämnd hertiginna av Nemours, Lucrezia är stammodern för Juan Carlos I av Spanien. Philippe av Belgien. Henri, storhertigen av Luxemburg. samt den räkning i Paris och kärandena att Portugals troner, Österrike, Bayern, Brasilien, Parma, Sachsen och Bägge Sicilierna.

Domain: History; Category: European history

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