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Borgia Family, Spanish Borja, descendants of a noble line, originally from Valencia, Spain, that established roots in Italy and became prominent in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the 1400s and 1500s. The house of the Borgias produced two popes and many other political and church leaders. Some members of the family became known for their treachery, bribery, adultery, theft and murder.

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Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

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Lucrezia Borgia as the daughter of Pope Alexander VI and Vannozza dei Cattanei. Her brothers included Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia, and Gioffre Borgia. Lucrezia's family later came to epitomize the ruthless Machiavellian politics and sexual corruption characteristic of the Renaissance Papacy. Lucrezia was cast as a femme fatale, a role she has been portrayed as in many artworks, novels, and films. Very little is known of Lucrezia, and the extent of her complicity in the political machinations of her father and brothers is unclear. They certainly arranged several marriages for her to important or powerful men in order to advance their own political ambitions. Lucrezia was married to Giovanni Sforza (Lord of Pesaro), Alfonso of Aragon (Duke of Bisceglie), and Alfonso I d'Este (Duke of Ferrara). Tradition has it that Alfonso of Aragon was an illegitimate son of the King of Naples and that her brother Cesare may have had him murdered after his political value waned. She is described as having heavy blonde hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which changed colour, a full, high bosom, and a natural grace which made her appear to "walk on air" these were the physical attributes that were highly appreciated in Italy during that period. Another description said that "her mouth is rather large, the teeth brilliantly white, her neck is slender and fair, and the bust is admirably proportioned". Lucrezia is claimed to be the ancestor of many notable people, including American Civil War general P.G.T. Beauregard. She is a collateral relative of most of the royal families of modern Europe including that of the United Kingdom. Through her granddaughter Anna d'Este, Duchess of Guise and later Duchess of Nemours, Lucrezia is the ancestress of Juan Carlos I of Spain; Philippe of Belgium; Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg; as well as the Count of Paris and the claimants to the Thrones of Portugal, Austria, Bavaria, Brazil, Parma, Saxony and the Two Sicilies.

Domain: History; Category: European history

Lucrezia Borgia som datter af Pave Alexander VI og Vannozza dei Cattanei. Hendes brødre omfattede Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia og Gioffre Borgia. Lucrezia ' s familie senere kom til at være indbegrebet af den hensynsløse machiavellistisk politik og seksuel korruption karakteristiske renæssance pavedømmet. Lucrezia blev castet som en femme fatale, en rolle, hun har været portrætteret i mange kunstværker, romaner og film. Meget lidt er kendt om Lucrezia, og omfanget af hendes medvirken i de politiske rænkespil af hendes far og brødre er uklart. De arrangerede sikkert flere ægteskaber for hende at vigtige eller magtfulde mænd for at fremme deres egne politiske ambitioner. Lucrezia var gift med Giovanni Sforza (Herren i Pesaro), Alfonso af Aragonien (hertug af Bisceglie) og Alfonso d ' Este (hertug af Ferrara). Tradition har det at Alfonso af Aragonien var en uægte søn af kongen af Napoli og at hendes bror Cesare kan have haft ham myrdet efter hans politiske værdi aftaget. Hun er beskrevet som havende tunge blonde hår, som faldt forbi hendes knæ, en smuk teint, nøddebrune øjne, som skiftede farve, en fuld, stor barm og en naturlig ynde, som gjorde hende synes at "gå på luft" disse var de fysiske egenskaber, som var meget værdsat i Italien i denne periode. En anden beskrivelse sagde, at "hendes mund er temmelig stor, tænderne glimrende hvid, hendes hals er slank og fair, og buste er beundringsværdigt proportioneret". Lucrezia hævdes at være stamfader til mange bemærkelsesværdige mennesker, herunder amerikanske borgerkrig general P.G.T. Beauregard. Hun er en sikkerhedsstillelse slægtning af de fleste af de kongelige familier af moderne Europa, herunder i Det Forenede Kongerige. Gennem hendes barnebarn Anna d ' Este, Hertuginden af Guise og senere Hertuginden af Nemours, Lucrezia er stammoder af Juan Carlos af Spanien; Philippe af Belgien; Henri, Storhertugen af Luxembourg; Grev Paris og fordringshaverne at troner Portugal, Østrig, Bayern, Brasilien, Parma, Sachsen og Begge Sicilier.

Domain: History; Category: European history

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