Home > Blossary: Dangerous Dog Breeds
The list gives description of some of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world

Category: Animals

4 Terms

Created by: farooq92

Number of Blossarys: 47

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Nobody can deny that it has aggressive instincts. As long as they can be raised as family dogs. They can kill small animals like cats in seconds, they can even attack other pitbulls. The genetic similarity of bull breed dogs may make it difficult for experts to visually identify the breed, and while mixed breed dogs are often labelled a "pit bull" if they have certain physical characteristics such as a square shaped head or bulky body type, visual identification of mixed breed dogs is not recommended by the scholarly community. A review of the medical literature found that pit bulls and pit bull cross-breeds were involved in 42–45% of dog attacks. Fatalities were most often reported when children were attacked, with 70% of victims being under the age of 10. Origin: US; Weight: 30-55 lbs; Height: 18-22 inches.

Domain: Animals; Category: Dogs

Tak seorang pun dapat menyangkal bahwa ia memiliki naluri agresif. Selama mereka dapat dinaikkan sebagai anjing keluarga. Mereka dapat membunuh binatang kecil seperti kucing dalam detik, mereka bahkan dapat menyerang pitbulls lain. Kemiripan genetik banteng berkembang biak anjing dapat membuat sulit bagi para ahli untuk secara visual mengidentifikasi berkembang biak, dan sementara anjing ras campuran sering diberi label "pit bull" jika mereka memiliki ciri-ciri fisik tertentu seperti persegi berbentuk tipe tubuh kepala atau besar, identifikasi visual anjing ras campuran tidak dianjurkan oleh komunitas ilmiah. Review di dalam literatur medis ditemukan bahwa pit bull dan anjing pit bull salib-keturunan terlibat dalam 42-45% dari serangan anjing. Kematian yang paling sering dilaporkan ketika anak diserang, dengan 70% dari korban yang berada di bawah usia 10. Asal: Kita; Berat: 30-55 lbs; Tinggi: 18-22 inci.

Domain: Animals; Category: Dogs

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