> Blossary: Bilingual Cover Letters
This glossary may be useful in creating a bilingual resume or cover letter in the fields of journalism or education.

카테고리: Languages

31 용어

Created by: AlasVerdes

Number of Blossarys: 3

My Terms
Collected Terms

Bilateral significa dos lados o dos puntos de vista. En el mundo político, refiere a negociaciones, discusiones o debates entre dos países, estados o gobiernos.

Domain: Politics; 업종/영역: General politics

Una fuente anónima refiere a una persona, un recurso o una organización que permanece en el anonimato mientras que proporciona información a un periodista o reportero, suele de manera clandestina.

Domain: Printing & publishing; 업종/영역: Newspaper

Un periodista clandestino es un reportero que trabaja en secreto y suele escribir reportes de noticias bajo un seudónimo y/o anónimamente.

Domain: Printing & publishing; 업종/영역: Newspaper

En español, un "page-turner" es un libro tan fascinante que se lee de un tirón. Suele referir a una novela popular que engancha al lector.

Domain: Literature; 업종/영역: Bestsellers

An anonymous source is a person, organization or resource who/that provides information to a journalist "off the record," with the understanding that the reporter or interviewer to whom the ...

Domain: Printing & publishing; 업종/영역: Newspaper

An undercover journalist is a reporter or member of the press who gathers information in secret and may assume an alternative identity or identities during the course of investigating, researching or ...

Domain: Printing & publishing; 업종/영역: Newspaper

A page turner (more commonly written with a hyphen as "page-turner") is a novel simply too exciting to put down; the reader turns one page after another.

Domain: Literature; 업종/영역: Bestsellers

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